Sunday, February 27, 2011

No mirrors, no judgement

I am going to challenge myself.
Starting tomorrow, the 28th of February, I will not look at myself in any mirror or reflective surface for a week. All I ever do when I look in the mirror is pick, and prod at myself, and the little voice in my head tells me what I need to improve on. I shouldn't feel the need to improve, I should be happy with who I am, and what I look like.

If I try to improve myself because I want people to like me, because I want a potential lover to think I look beautiful, they should love me for who I am, and not who I have to attack myself in order to try to be. I'm wearing myself away with all these, expectations of myself. 'I shouldn't have eaten that, now look, my stomachs bigger' or 'I should have washed my face more in the past week, look at my skin, it's disgusting' or 'look at my hair, it's terrible, I don't have the long luscious hair that people like'.

Fuck it. Fuck it all.
No more mirrors, no more judgments.
Just me.

Lets see how this one goes.

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