Tuesday, August 24, 2010

dealing with compliments

How we respond to compliments is actually a very difficult process. If you do not genuinely feel as if you deserve the compliment, you will say thank you and assure them that they could do/are better, but the more compliments you receive, the more you realise that you really are what people say. From here on in, people swing one of two ways. They either start responding to compliments with ‘thank you’s’ and gratitude’s, silently giving themselves a pat on the back for their good effort, or they begin to attract more attention to themselves by re-stating the compliment to themselves instead of a thank you (or sometimes along with a thank you).

For example:
Jenny: “Wow Indie, you are so stunning! I love your makeup!”
Indie: “Thanks! I usually look better than this, but yeah my make up does look awesome”

When you receive a compliment, unless you are completely oblivious to how amazing you look/how talented you are/ whatever the compliment implies, you actually have to devise a statement that will thank the person complimenting you, but not enforce the idea that you are up yourself. You can agree with the compliment, but if you express that in the wrong context, you can come across as being an arrogant fool.

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