Friday, August 27, 2010

Today, turned out to be a good day

Today has been good so far.
Lately I have felt no urge to hang with people or need to be around people. And I fear I have accidentally pushed people away because of this, so I am currently in attempt of trying to notify them that I still love them dearly, I just need a bit of space at the moment.

I still havn't bought a new phone. My mum only just arrived home from her 2 week holiday to Italy, London and other places. She brought me home some krispy kremes which I reluctantly ate, and my favourite Harajuku perfume. I really have missed her, and I'm glad she's back, it all seems to be back in flow now she's home.

I have been potting around my room today, cleaning everything up as I love doing. I really do enjoy being neat and clean, clutter makes it hard to think and move around. I just vacuumed my carpet because I hadn't in a while, and the feeling [not just the physical feeling] gets better every time. I think I will adapt a new habit to vacuum my room every day, or every two days. In my usual routine, I clean my room every day, but cleaning my carpet was rare. This will change. I think it will be a lovely change to my room aura.

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