Monday, November 15, 2010


I’ve always seem to have a strange fixation with clocks. The fact that humans, somehow designed numbers and dates, from which derived a clock. Nothing special really, just a bunch of numbers that slowly count down the day from the beginning to the approximate end. I have always wondered what it would be like if we didn’t have watches or clocks, nothing that tells us were early, late, on time or still doing the same thing you were 10 minutes ago. Imagine if someone came to your house in the middle of the night, supposedly 1am, and changed every single clock, watch and device with a clock programmed into it in your house to 11pm. Imagine you had absolutely no idea that this had happened. What would be the consequence? There would of course be chaos, of being early, or late, or not knowing when to meet with someone because you are both living by different numbers. But then there would be freedom. No mental limitations. Nothing to tell you where to be and when, nothing to tell you that you are wasting ‘time’, how long you have been having fun, how long you have to have a good time. Imagine that.
When I am older, and I have my own house, I plan to have multiple simple round faced clocks on my wall, and around my house. Every single clock will be changed to a different time. Of course, one of them will be right, and I will know which one is correct, but all of those ‘incorrect’ clocks will remind me of how easily our lives can be manipulated, and how much we depend on materialistic ideas. In fact, our very world depends on it. Chaos and order have never been so easy to control.

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