Sunday, November 21, 2010

moving out

I honestly cannot wait until I finish my schooling, and move into my dads house.
I have always felt like an outsider in this house, I don't fit in, and I really don't like spending more than 15 minutes here. All I do is sit upstairs on the computer, and it's depressing. When I leave to go out, she says she misses me, but I really don't understand. I never communicate with her, and if I do, I usually just get angry with her because our personalities just clash. I love my mother to death but it's killing me. She gives me too much. I don't need it.

This is the time where I wish I had someone whom I could just invite over and be with all the time. Or just go over their house. Someone who wants to be around me as much as I'd love to be around them.

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