Sunday, November 21, 2010

what I would like

If someone gets the question, what they would like in a relationship, I would think that most will start listing off personality traits that they would like their significant other to have. I've racked my brain so many times, and I've made lists of things that attract me to someone, but I can never really write them down, knowing that I want someone to be exactly like that.
Most of all I want someone different. Someone who doesn't meet my expectations, but excells them. Someone whom I would not expect to enjoy being with me, but surprise, they do. When people re-blog, or write long paragraphs about what 'cute guys' do, or what 'cute relationships' should be like, I never really want someone to be like that for me. I would really like to be that for someone else.

I want to make someone happy. I want them to call me first, when they're upset. To enjoy being around me all the time, and miss me when I'm not there. To want me, need me, and to think that I'm just what they need. I just want to make someone happy, because making other people smile, is great feeling.

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